Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rebsamen Golf Tournment

The 3rd Annual Rebsamen Medical Center Foundation Golf Tournament is just around the corner on Friday, May 18th at Foxwood Golf Club. Spaces are filling up quickly, so be sure to let me know if you are interested in reserving a space.

Kristen James
Marketing Coordinator
Rebsamen Medical Center

1400 Braden Street
Jacksonville, AR 72076
501-985-7050 / Fax: 501-985-7418

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 25th Birthday

Clarissa Mahanay

April 24th Birthday

Jayson Perry

April 23rd Birthday

Michelle Bentley (formerly Tosh)

April 22 Birthday

Dan Harrison

April 19th Birthday

Dennis Wormington

MEMS/UAMS Paramedic School 2007

What a good looking class!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Drawing for a book

Two things determine where you will be in 5 years. What you read and who you surround yourself with. Currently there is a book called, "The Secret" that is on the best seller list. I may not personally agree with all it says, but I find that what they call the secret of a successful life is great stuff. I have a copy that I would love to give away. If you are interested in a copy of the book, send me an e-mail with your name. I will draw a winner Friday. Good luck

The Secret Website

Christmas Video

Continuing on the DVD theme, we are currently coping the Christmas party annual video from 2006. We will have a sign up sheet for all who would like a copy.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


The debt class that was scheduled a few months back has now been put on DVD. This is a class that I attended several years ago that teaches how to pay off your debt in one of the fastest ways possible. I have applied these principles to my families debt with success, we are currently applying them again. The video is about 30 minutes and carries you from the motivation you need to carry out this kind of plan to the actual math of doing the plan. If it is something that you are interested in, send me an e mail or stop by my office and pick up a copy (for free) And for the record, I am not trying to sale you anything ;-) I am simply passing on some training that has made a difference in my life.

On the subject of DVDs. This is a tool I am trying to communicate with. We have had the software for sometime that enables us to edit DVDs, we now have a duplicator for DVDs as well. I am in the process of duplicating the Christmas party video from last year to give out. We have also listed some classes that we would like to make available such as, MCI and triage, 12-lead overview, operation of our vent etc... If you have other ideas please drop me a note.


Poker Run

The 1st Annual Thunder Roads Arkansas, Fallen Firefighter Memorial Poker Run
Sponsored by: South Bend, Ward, Vilonia and North Pulaski fire departments
May 12th
Starting at South Bend Fire Station #1, 4421 Hwy 294 (Military Road) in Jacksonville
0800- Breakfast sponsored by South Bend Firefighters Association
0800-1000 Registration
1000- First bike out
1100- Last bike out
Lunch will be served at the end of the ride
$20- First rider- includes poker card, t-shirt (to first 200 registered), door prize ticket and meal ticket
$10- per co-rider- includes poker card, door prize ticket and meal ticket
$10- per extra t-shirt
$5- per extra meal ticket
For more information contact:
Brenda 276-0244
Kenny 944-4856
Tim K 650-5059
Tim T 454-3170

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

News from my Conway visit

I went to Conway this AM for a "meeting" with the City about flood planning. I called Major Reynolds (Melaine) to meet me at the meeting. When Melanie arrived ahead of me, she call me to say, this is not a meeting, it is a no notice drill! The day started off with a bang, Major Reynolds did a great job and represented MEMS very well. (I was the advisor)

While in Conway I was able to have lunch with Perry. He drove to the restaurant and walked in without his walker. He is still in therapy, and limps a bit, but seems to be doing great. He shared a joke with me.

I have a friend who always seems to lean a little to the left all the time. It used to bother me so I suggested that he have his legs checked. For years he refused and said I was crazy.
last week he finally went and sure enough the doctor discovered his leg was 1/4 inch shorter than his right.
A quick bit of orthopedic surgery later and he was cured. Both legs are exactly the same, he no longer leans.
"So" I said you didn't believe me when I told you that a doctor could fix your leg.
he just looked at me and said, I stand corrected.

By this joke it is apparent to me Perry is feeling better.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April 17th Birthday

Jarrod Ritchie born on April 17th. Happy birthday!

Monday, April 16, 2007

April 15-16 Birthdays

Timothy Duncan (15th) Wes Renaud (15th)

Frank Hardush (16th)

April 14th Birthdays

Carla Hicks (top Left) Allen Lawrence Mike Gault ( bottom Left) and Jalana Branham all had a Birthday on April 14th. Happy Birthday yall!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Birthday April 12th

Robert Airo Birthday April 12th Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was Derrick's last day with MEMS. He will begin his new career with the Little Rock Police department at the end of the month. Emotions in times like these are always mixed. I always want us to support each other as we pursue our dreams, on the other hand it is always hard when the seasons in our lives change. Derrick, I appreciate you and thank you for a job well done.

Jim Mullenax taught an extraction familiarization class to the new Supervisors. Jim did a great job, and I think we learned, but sometimes it was hard to tell...;-)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Words left unsaid?

Forgive me for a personal note for today.

We have a funeral to attend today. Gene Davis Debbie's Uncle, passed away from complications of kidney and heart problems. When Deb and I were first married (as teenagers) there were plenty of times when we had no electricity or food. We knew that Gene and Louise's house was always good for a bed or meal, with no strings or judgement attached. We could just go visit and end up staying without anything being said.

I visited him at the hospital the other morning, when I arrived I discovered the family had all gone to freshen up so there I stood with him all alone. A question came to me as I watched him on the ventilator, "Do you have anything left unsaid to him" I realized that if I did it was too late. I stood there for a while watching the rhythmic breathing he was doing from his machine. I thought back to his healthy days, times when he was full of strength and fight. Days that seemed they would never end. I contrasted those to that moment I was in.

I am very sad to see him go. Did I have things left unsaid? Truthfully, yes.

An e-mail that has been floating around this week goes like this;

One morning you will never wake up. 
Do all your friends know you love them?
I was thinking...I could die today, tomorrow or next week,
and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed,friendships
that needed rekindling or three words needing to be said. Let
every one of your friends know you love them. Even if you think
they don't love you back you would be amazed at what those three
little words and a smile can do.

And just in case GOD calls me home before I see you
again....... I LOVE YA!!!
Do you have any words left that need to be said?


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Winner of CD player

Congratulations to Richard Dearing on winning the drawing for a CD player! (you lucky guy)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

BLS Leads

I am ready, if you are interested in being a BLS lead drop me note, either in my office or via e-mail. We have the training manual ready and are finishing the rest of the policy manual. We are looking for either full time or part time BLS leads. Get your name to me, and I will follow up with a letter to you.

MEMS Golf Tournament

April 10th Birthday

Happy Birthday to Jamie Davis born on April 10th

Easter Birthdays

DeSaundra Barker and Dennis Hurley share a Birthday on April 8th. Happy Easter and Birthday to you two!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Sick Folks

I trust you had a great Easter!

One of the hardest things I have done is get back in rhythm since getting back from vacation. Like Sunday night we had one of our grandsons for this weekend and would you know it, he had some sort of virus. Debbie and he got very sick, so I was not able to be at work Monday. Will once again try to get back on track Tuesday.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Airport Drill

The airport drill went very well. We could have used a few more folks to make it run a little smoother, however like in the real world we had to adapt and overcome. A majority of those playing had either never been a part of a large scale MEMS drill or were playing roles that they had never played. This kind of training you just don't come by everyday. We did somethings very well, and made a few discoveries of things that needed attention.

One take away was the patient tracking form. We have not had a standard MCI tracking form. Since the drill we have taken the template we made for the drill, and with some modifications and have placed a "MCI patient tracking book" in all the supervisor vehicles as well as 907. We are also looking at some other ideas that came from the drill. Thank you again for all those who participated!

April 7th Birthdays

Kim McClung and Thomas Roberts share the Birthday of April 7th. Happy Birthday guys!!

April 5th

Tom Weindruch (now Trooper) and Burkie Hollenberger share the Birthday of April 5th. Happy Birthday guys!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

We did a walk thru of the new ball park in North Little Rock. As you may have read in Swanson's monitor article, MEMS now has 2 box seats. If you are interested in getting tickets for a game, you can drop your name in a drawing box at the front desk.
Parking for the games may be a problem, however station 8 is located in a great spot. We are going to post no parking for the station 8 lot, but will allow employees to park, if they are displaying a MEMS sticker and do not block the ambulance. I will post more on this later.

Airport Drill
The drill is tomorrow. For those who are involved we will meet at 07:00 for a briefing. We will be filming the event to make a training video for later. Tomorrow should be a great opportunity for learning.

Monday, April 2, 2007

I'm Back

We are back in the good ole USA. I did consider an ambulance job on the beach in Mexico, but..... I missed you guys.
I hear some exciting things happened while I was away.


The report I got concerning the Fire at Parkview Towers was that you all did a great job. I understand the call went out for help, and as you normally do, responded well. There is too much to list here, but for now let me at least say, Job well done!!

School Drill
I understand the NLR School Shooting drill held on March 23 went very well. Thank you to Major Ekenseair and Captain Goddard for managing the event.

Airport Drill
Wednesday is the big airport drill. Tomorrow I will be doing my final work on our staffing plan. The list of volunteers for the drill looks very god. It is not everyday we get to get this kind of training. Jay will page the meeting time, and I will BLOG it tomorrow.

Station One Yard
As you may have noticed, Summer came before Spring did. The yards at station one, 8,6 and 10 are in need of mowing badly. We have had a request for bids for a new lawn service out. The bid was awarded today and the first cutting should be Wednesday. So hang in there, it will look a lot better.

I understand that Perry was at Station one the other day on his walker and getting around great. His remarkable recovery I think is due in no small part to his remarkable attitude. Way to go Perry!

Got a lot of catching up to do, so for now.........

First of the Month Birthdays

First of the Month Birthdays, Somer Kelly April 1, Stan Neal (top) April 4th, Pat Bajorek (bottom) 2nd. Happy Birthday Yall!