You have been hearing for several weeks about the up coming inventory control changes. Here is a brief over view of the system.
Why the change?
· In the face of rising cost a more accurate inventory is a must.
· Have you ever gotten into a truck and not had the proper radio, map, Thomas pack or phone for your EKG monitor. This new system will track those as well as other must have items.
· The main point is we can better track and control the items that you need in a more efficient manner.
How does station one work?
· You will come into work and report to the east hall and enter the supply area. There you will find Louis or one of the Oscar staff.
· You will give them your unit that you are assigned for the day, and they will check out to you the following. (Known as assets)
o Satchel with your radios, unit and drug keys, maps, binoculars, fuel card and fob as well as a “quick look” book that has many need to know facts such as hundred blocks, latest dialysis patient info, 12 lead cheat sheet etc…
o Monitor with your attached phone and cables, batteries, paddles
o Thomas pack with glucose monitor, laryngoscope, BVM etc…
· At the end of your shift you will bring back the items that you were issued to be checked back in. They will be inspected to make sure that all that was sent out comes back.
· You will also turn in your supply list form the day’s shift. Your list will be pulled from stock by the Oscar staff; it will then be your responsibility to restock your unit.
What about outlying station supplies?
Each outlying station that is not in Faulkner County will have a supply area that will be locked for use by the assigned crew only. The key will be on the assigned units drug key ring. The station will have a predetermined inventory amount. Whenever the crew uses a supply they will pull it from the stock and record the usage in the stock order book. The Oscar staff will work with the station lead to maintain the appropriate stock levels.
What about outlying station monitors, satchel etc ?
At each shift change the crew must do a start of shift check off sheet to account for everything the satchel is suppose to have. In addition you must account for the monitor and Thomas pack. We understand that this is the weakest part of this system so it is imperative, in fact a requirement that you inspect and fax in you start of shift check off sheet. If an item is missing during after your shift you will be held responsible. When a unit is brought in for maintenance, or reassigned to metro, the assets will be checked back in to supply.
What about Faulkner County?
Conway and Faulkner County units will be handled by the Foxtrot staff. All Faulkner County units will be restocked form Conway Central.
I am sure we will make some changes as we go along in an effort to make it as user friendly as possible.