Tuesday, August 5, 2008
MEMS will have a team in the Koman Race for the Cure once again this year. This is the 15 year the race has been in Arkansas and MEMS a partner of the team for most of that time.
If you would like to sign up for the race and be a part of the MEMS team you can go to www.komenarkansas.org
to do so. Our team # is 50390 our team name is MEMS. The race date is October 11 2008. You may also register using the traditional paper forms that are found at station one. They must be turned in no later than September 9th by 5PM.
MEMS always has a team shirt, we are now taking ideas. Some of the do's and dont's for the team shirt are displayed by the time clocks at station one.
We are also asking for any man who is interested in being a part of the 3 miles of men to register also.
If you have any questions please contact Jocelyn or Gwen.