It has been some time since I have written on the following subjects. Please understand that the absence of information does not equal nothing happening, actually it is right the opposite. I have told several that for the next month we may go through a dark time as far as information goes. This is in large part to ideas being tested for being just, fair, accurate, legal etc.. The last thing in the world we want to do is discuss a "maybe" that raises expectations, only to find that we cannot do it for some reason. I know this may be hard for some, but please trust that we are doing everything in our power to increase pay, improve staffing and over all reduce stress. That may not sound like a tall order, but trust me it is. One last thing before the update, realize that if life ain't good for you, it certainly ain't good for me ;-)
1. The disbursement of the "surplus" salary fund is still being worked out. A plan will be presented to the board next week. I will let you know as soon as it is decided on how, when and how much will be disbursed.
2. NLR Intake. We have been tracking this problem for some time now. It appears that we are having more trouble with the LRPD prisoners that we are NLR or PCSO. We have met with the "brass" of LRPD to work to a better solution than sending an ambulance hot to check out a bandage etc...
We will now send Sierra for calls that are not of a life threatening nature. This does not mean that an ALS unit will never run hot for something of a non life threatening nature, however we are making a concerted effort to reduce those calls.
On this line, we are also working with all the PDs to do a better job of letting us know when we can go cold to a scene that is a non-life threatening situation. Don't expect all the issues around this to suddenly be gone however, we believe that with the heat and light on the subject we will reduce the call volume.
3. Retention and pay- The final meeting of the Board Sub-committee will meet tomorrow to finish their recommendations to the whole board. Again, we will pass on the plan and information as soon as it is available.