Thursday, August 9, 2007

1st follow up on the company meetings

I have not posted much about the outcome of the company meetings, only because we have been so busy. To bring you up to speed I will begin post a topic at a time.

Board Subcommittee
1. The subcommittee of the board that is working on the pay, retention project that they were task with, have met twice with their final meeting set for this month prior to the regularly scheduled Board Meeting. I sat in on the last meeting, several very good and innovative ideas were discussed as ways to improve pay and increase our ability to attract employees. I cannot discuss the details yet as they are still being hammered out, but will as soon as it is available.

2. In the meeting we discussed that we are ahead on salaries for the year, due to being understaffed. A plan will be presented to the board this month on the best way to spend these monies in the form of some type of bonus. As soon as a plan is approved we will pass along the details.

More to follow.....