Wednesday, June 6, 2007

PTO Changes

There has been a lot of effort put into making the PTO policy work smoother in the face of summertime and and staffing holes. We approached the problem understanding that
1. People need to know the status of their request in a timely manner.
2. People need time off to "sharpen the saw"
We wanted to find a way to help facilitate this.

Trial PTO Policy change

1. All PTO requests turned in prior to OT sign-up will be included on “The List” and will be advertised as available during OT sign up. "The list" is a tool that the supervisors use currently to cover shifts for each other. Stop by the scheduling office to see the working copy.

2. Employee Requests for PTO made prior to OT sign up days will still be reviewed and “Listed” in the order that they were received.

3. Employees making requests for PTO after OT sign up days may take PTO if they arrange their own coverage, or if the schedule allows. They will not be added to “The List”

4. Scheduling will respond to all PTO requests made prior to OT sign up days by the Monday following OT sign up days. (The disposition of the request will be approved, denied, or still pending)

5. Temporarily change shift bidding from monthly to quarterly. For example, we will post open shifts in June. The results of that posting will be valid for July, August, and September. The posting in September will be good for October, November and December.

6. We will still have overtime sign up monthly on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday and Wednesday of the month prior.

7. We will print the schedule for the 3 months at a time instead of monthly. This will allow us to project scheduling needs farther out in the future and make it easier to approve PTO dates.

8. Those in the military are requested to give us drill and training dates quarterly. They must at least be turned in before OT sign up days each month. Failure to do so may require that they arrange their own coverage to cover drill times.

9. Employees who don’t own a shift and don’t bid a shift, will have shift assigned as their permanent shift. This will count as 1 of their shift bids.

10. We will allow employee’s to swap shifts outside of the pay week on case by case basis to allow time off requested.

It is understood that all shifts changes must be authorized by scheduling prior to the change.

So far in the month of June no one who has requested PTO has been turned down. The request have been filled by this system. We will monitor it for effectiveness and will make changes as appropriate.
I appreciate the work you do, and understand that we all need to get away and rest from time to time. If you have ideas or suggestions to make this smother, please drop me a line or stop in and see Jay or myself.
