The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. Edward R. Murrow.
Tuesday June 12, 2007 at aprox.00:30 a page went out about a MEMS Forum. This was a bit premature, so I apologize for waking those of you who do not work a night shift. I have been working with Ralph on a way to expand the BLOG. He introduced me to a program that would allow free flow communication on different topics. I remember several years ago when MEMS was going though a difficult time we sat down and ask, “how can we navigate these waters”, we discovered that communication was needed and in healthy doses. We have tried several ways to accomplish better communications. We use the MEMS Monitor, MEMSSTUFF BLOG, KIOSK, MIFS, communications line (from time to time) and of course pages. We have tried voluntary company meetings, but they seem to have not been met with much interest. So we come to today. I would like to do a trial run with the MEMS Forum. Some of the rules would be.
- Only MEMS employees are invited to be a part. This keeps everything in the “family” and “outsiders” from meddling in our business.
- To be a part you must send an e-mail to me and request to be a part of the Forum.
- This is about communications, so I ask you to not hide behind a screen name that makes you anonymous. Our goal is to find ways to get answers, solve problems etc and not being accountable for our words is not in sync with these goals.
I want to start the Forum off with two topics (or boards)
- How to better communicate? MEMS is made up of around 300 or more people working 24/7 is an area of about 2500 square miles. It is very possible that some of you have not met all your co-workers. What are we doing that is working? What is not working? How do you feel about voluntary company meetings? Mandatory company meetings? What issues are we not communicating about well?
- A message board on shift coverage or swaps. Here you can post an ad asking for coverage for a shift in the future. If a co-worker in interested they can reply to your e-mail, and then you can go to scheduling with a solution. Again, I am trying to be sensitive to the need to take time off. This would be one more tool that you could use to get the word out.
If you have ideas of other topics, drop me a line and we will consider it. Several of you have mentioned that this will work if everyone uses it properly. I agree, all I ask is that you consider your words well. When we read we lose the ability to see the person’s face, hear their tone of voice etc, and what may be meant tongue in cheek can come across as quite inflammatory.
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. Virginia Satir