Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Hard Call

Not my typical Blog, but I got a note from Kenneth Sartin about a MVA in Sherwood Sunday. I am grateful that these kinds of calls don't happen everyday. I appreciate him pointing out the work of the other agencies.

There was a 41 on Sunday afternoon in Sherwood. Extrication took about an hour and 20 minutes. PT was pinned in car with flames until FD arrived. She remained conscious the whole time of being extricated. We Medflighted her out.
The Sherwood PD officer A. Hopkins was one of the first on scene, he was using an extinguisher to try to knock down the fire from the PT. He got a small burn on two of his fingers, nothing serious. Hopkins and some officers, unknown to me, were trying to pull her out away from the flames, before FD could get there. They kept some of the flames at bay with extinguishers from patrol cars until an attack line could be pulled from the fire engine.
Good job to Hopkins and the other Sherwood officers, as well as the FD for their work.
I also add good job to our crew!

I realize this is what you do everyday, and most days are not this dramatic, however you never know when that call will come. Stay Sharp.
