Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Drill Prep

955 came back from the shop today. Hopefully Foxtrot will come and bring 910 back to me ;-)

There are several drills in our future.
Today the CSEPP drill was held in Sheridan. We used the on duty truck in Sheridan and East End to accomplish this.
Tomorrow is the CSEPP exercise in Little Rock. We will have 7-9 crew members at Barton, and one at the Pulaski County OEM Building.

In March we will have a school drill in North Little Rock, (more on this one soon)
April we will have a full scale drill at the Little Rock Airport.

To prepare for these we have set aside some triage card drill days March 20-22.

We all understand the importance of staying prepared. Who knows when the next 1420, Tornado etc.. will strike. I will keep you posted on the upcoming preparations. In the mean time take a moment and read over the MCI plan. We are in the process of updating the master copy. If you see something that is not addressed or could be written better let me know.