Friday, April 4, 2008


Several things have happened since my last Blog. It is important to me that this does not become of no relevance, by being so long between post, my apologies

Lonoke- We did hand over the keys to the station of Lonoke to Southern. We will continue to respond to some of Lonoke County, specifically Butlerville and Tri-Community fire districts. 128 has been moved to the Sherwood station.

New BLS Type 2- Our newest unit just arrived, and is not striped as of this writing. It will be numbered 73. This will replace the old 73 (that used to be 126, and before that SS1) we are waiting to see if it has major motor damage or can repaired to be used as a special event truck only. If we can use it at all, I plane on having the striping redone to make it look “fresher” and renumbering it to ?? we will decided then about the number

609 is back from Excellance, it has been gone since August of 2007. We sent 407 for remounting.

Wheel chair van- We replaced the wrecked 62 with a 2008 Ford numbered now 62. The wrecked unit along with “old blue” (old shop truck) are currently scheduled to be sold for salvage.

Captain Posting- It may have appeared that we have forgotten that we are in the middle of this process, but nothing could be further from the truth. We plan to schedule interviews starting new week.
