Hey guys, as most of you know the Driving Committee has been reviewing accidents reports and “paddling bottoms” for a while now. Well in effort to “rubs bottoms” of those who are excellent drives; the MEMS Driving Committee is initiating a new program to spotlight and award for good driving. Below are the guidelines, please take a moment to have look. The Driving Committee is looking forward to rewarding the drivers who standout………..
Open to all employees who drive a company vehicle a minimum of 550 miles each month.
Information will be gathered from the Driver Safety Summary and the MEMS Driving Committee records.
Top 25 driver’s names, meeting the requirements, will be placed in a random drawing.
· Winners must be in good standing with driving committee by not having any driving incidents in the past year from date of drawing.
Driving incidents are defined as any backing incident or minor/to major chargeable incident.
· Winners cannot have more than one backing tone per 100 miles driven.
· Winners cannot have any over speed counts.
Grand prize winner will receive $50.00 cash.
Three other runner-ups will be drawn for $10.00 food gift cards.
Winners will be notified by Driving Committee representative and picture made for Monitor and posting.
Kevin Crosby will be the Driving Committee representative for the MEMS SAFE DRIVER AWARD.