Wednesday, June 24, 2009

5.11 Polo Shirts

Many of you have already made the switch to the 5.11 polo shirts (it’s the style w/ the pen pocket on the left sleeve). The polos have held up very well and has become the predominate polo ordered lately. Because of these issues, I have spoke w/ Greg about making it our official uniform polo shirt. Greg agreed and approved for us to make the switch. So, MEMS made a purchase of approx 800 polo shirts that’s (navy and long and short sleeve). The polo shirts are being embroidered right now and should be ready for orders to be filled next week. If you have ordered polos within the last week or so, give me a just a few more days, and you’ll be ready to go. If you have any questions, let me know. By the way, you can order your polo shirts on line through the MEMS Company Store, so you don’t have to fill out paperwork and leave on my desk, you can order them from the comfort of your house.

Company Store is up and running, so have a look…….
10 Minute Fitness is available, so get your butt in shape………
5.11 polos are the new polos, so update your shirts, if they need to be…….

As always, if you have any questions, please see Louis