The new strain of flu has been a part of our news over the past few days. We are meeting with our area health depart staff to monitor any activity form this strain in Arkansas. Let me remind you that we treat this threat like we would any other air or droplet borne exposure.
The following is an excerpt from a Health Department release from Dallas County today:
1. Any providers approaching an individual who appears sick with a fever AND who has a cough OR difficulty breathing should first place a mask on themselves,including eye protection, and should wear gloves. The mask should preferably be one that offers protection at an N95 mask level or higher.
2. After protecting themselves with the mask, eye protection, and gloves, providers should place a similar mask on the patient, if it can be tolerated. It is understandable that patients with shortness of breath may not tolerate such a mask, especially if oxygen is being administered or possibly CPAP.