The first MEMS chili cook off was held at station one Saturday night. The competition was fierce, with 10 separate entries.
Our Judges
We brought in Trained Chef Bill Warren. Bill’s credentials included, owner of Twin City Brokerage, member of the Coleman Cooking Team, past judge at many events including the state fair, as well as an official judge of the Miss. Arkansas Pageant to name only a few..
LT John Sparks- John is with Asp and serves as the pilot to the Governor. Traveling with the governor has allowed John to be apart of many such functions around our great state. John is also a cook himself.
Debbie Thompson- Not only is she my wife, but quite the cook in her own right. She works PRN for Twin City Brokerage as an account rep. and has worked many food shows.
And then of course me, my only credentials are I know how to eat. ..
Prize Money
Craig Jones stated out the prize money with $ 50.00 of his own money donated from his building company Payton Place Homes. He was successful in getting not only his $50.00 matched, but had others join him, the list was:
Ø Marlin Doucet $100.00
Ø Dr. Fahdi $100.00
Ø Dr. Wendall Pahls $100.00
Ø Dr. Chuck Mason $100.00,
Ø Craig Jones upped his to an even $100.00
Ø Jon Swanson $100.00.
The winners were
- Terri Lee $300.00
- Michelle Bentley $200.00
- Bob and Peggy Jones $100.00
Great job to all !!