Hospital In Mountian View
Medical Clinic across from the Hospital
Tuesday evening was one of the deadliest in Arkansas in a long time. My brother went to check on his cabin and brought back these pictures from Mountain View. I do not wish harm on anyone, but am very grateful that our coverage area was not hit. Thank you to all who came in when we went to red status. I appreciate the understanding that was shown. We all know that not everyone will "go" to the MCI, but everyone is needed to strengthen our resources in a way that we can go at all. When American Airlines 1420 crashed, many who were on duty that evening were left at their outlying station, or doing a code 3, or even sitting at I/30 and Broadway, yet when we passed out recognition, everyone on duty that night were recognized, and all wear the 1420 ribbon on their uniform. It takes us all, in whatever area we are assigned to get the job done. 911 calls don’t stop because a tornado came or a plane crashed etc... I am glad that I work with a group that understands that process. We did have some learning’s the other night, by that I mean, we found some things that we can sharpen or do better with the next time. And believe me there will be a next time, there always is, that is why we are here.