We dodged a bullet last night with the Apartment explosion. While there were only 5 transported, there were a total of 9 walk ups to the area hospitals for a total of 14 patients. We have not had a MCI in a while so it gave us the opportunity to practice some of our procedures. Thank you to those who came and took on assignments, as well as those crews that held over to cover the system until we determined that there were no other patients.
We have set the calender for 2008 that includes 3 days of triage card drill days at the first of the year, as well as the second half of the year. We already we will have at least two big drills scheduled, the CESEPP drill as well as a full scale airport drill. We are working on dates for more NIMS training as well. MCIs happen with out notice, so we must be prepared at all times.

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