We learned Tuesday that Greenbriar had voted in a City Counsel meeting to extend a contract to Southern Paramedic out of Brinkley. We already knew that Southern was interested in Faulkner County, but had assurances from the County Judge that Faulkner County was not interested in them.
What is MEMS position? It is true that the loss of Greenbriar could effect Faulkner County system, however we are not at that point yet.
- Just because they voted does not make it so
- Not everyone is in agreement with the City Counsel's vote, so it may not be over yet.
- Our current response is to stay the same as it relates to our deployment in Faulkner County
- We have meeting scheduled with the Judge, Mayor and our board Representative for the county to discuss how this will be handled.
One ray of light in this whole thing is that I have not heard that anyone is unhappy with us, only that Southern promises more coverage that we believe is possible considering the run volume. In the mean time keep your head up and remember that the public is judging MEMS everyday based on their interaction with each one of us.
More to follow on this subject, but wanted you to hear it from me.