Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Just A Thought
Rather than constructing elaborate methods for avoiding these things, or elaborate excuses to evade them, just get them done. Instead of letting things slip and continue to weigh you down, get them done and let your actions energize you. The avoidance of effort is just as difficult as effort itself yet avoidance accomplishes nothing positive.
Success is not always easy, yet it is for the most part simple. The way to accomplishment is not hidden. It is in plain view. You can see what must be done. Stop fretting. Quit worrying. Don't complain. You know what you need to do. So do it.
Congratulations Graduates!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
MEMS Buys FEMA Trailers
609 Almost ready for service!
136 involved in accident
Monday, May 21, 2007
Happy EMS week!!
- We cooked hamburgers Friday at station one and Conway Central
- Wednesday the Rotary Club will be honoring our annual awards winners at a luncheon. You are welcomed to attend, please call Phyllis for information or to let her know you are coming.
- The Twister's game Sunday was kicked off by our own MEMS Honor Guard.
- We had a booth at the Twisters game staffed by the current in-house Paramedic class.
- Several of the hospitals are planning on having cookies and the like for you.
- There will be an EMS rally and parade at the State Capitol Wednesday with Ambulances form across the state.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Another MEMS Golf Tournment in the Cup
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Would you two please mention on the blog & in the Monitor that Arkansas EMS Week is kicking off at the Arkansas Twisters Game May 20th @ 1400. The MEMS Honor Guard will be presenting the colors at the kickoff. There will be a pre-game tailgate party with ambulances & fire trucks from around the state. The Arkansas EMS Association are offering discounted tickets to the game, and I think they are interested in MEMS selling some to our employees and families. Any questions just let me know.
Tentative Schedule
- Units at tailgate party (to be at Alltel at 12:00 hrs)
- NLRFD – Daryl Brenneise (DBrenneise@northlittlerock.ar.gov)
i. Lt. John Pflasterer (fire945a@northlittlerock.ar.gov)
- LRFD – Mike Davidson (wdavidson@littlerock.org)
- MEMS – Jeff Tabor (jtabor@metroems.com)
- EASI – April Hudson (ahudson@easimedics.com)
- WCFD – Dwayne Aalseth (aalseth2@aol.com)
- Services?
- Booths inside of arena
- NLRFD – Daryl Brenneise (DBrenneise@northlittlerock.ar.gov)
- MEMS – Jeff Tabor (jtabor@metroems.com)
- ASU / BeeBee – Janie Kennedy (bjk9385@sbcglobal.net)
- Services?
- Colors presentation – MEMS color guard (to be there at 14:30)
- Presentation of the game ball (to be there at 14:30)
- Service?
- Personnel?
i. Sedley Tomlinson
ii. Tonia Hale
iii. Bruce Bailey
- Presentation of National Award Winners
- Sedley Tomlinson (EMT of the year) – Arkansas Children’s Hospital
- Tonia Hale (Paramedic of the year) – NorthStar EMS
- Garry Odem (Instructor of the Year) – US Army Camp Robinson
- Other AEMTA announcements
- Parade of lights
- Services participating
- Conference Hot Springs
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mark Shuffield Honored
Each year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 2259 recognize an outstanding employee from each public service agency in Conway. This year the VFW recognized Mark Shuffield for his dedication and hard work. Mark, his wife Lisa, and Major Reynolds attended an awards ceremony and luncheon at the VFW post on Saturday, May 12th. Congratulations, Mark. You are an asset to MEMS, and very deserving of this honor.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
New Tube Ties
Tube securing devices are currently being place on the ambulances. Please take a moment to review the package and make yourself familiar with them. The blue is adult and pink child. They are simple enough that reading over the package and playing with the device a little should be enough of an in service. If you have any questions please see Mack or Louis.
Unit 74 has arrived
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Update on Greenbriar
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
MEMS Award Winners
What they have chosen to do is recognize the annual award winners from MEMS, (our medic, EMT, rookie etc.. of the year) with a plaque. The presenter may be the LT Governor.
All are invited to attend. It is held at the SVI cafeteria at noon on May 23rd. Flying cross is appropriate.
Call me if you have questions.
What is MEMS position? It is true that the loss of Greenbriar could effect Faulkner County system, however we are not at that point yet.
- Just because they voted does not make it so
- Not everyone is in agreement with the City Counsel's vote, so it may not be over yet.
- Our current response is to stay the same as it relates to our deployment in Faulkner County
- We have meeting scheduled with the Judge, Mayor and our board Representative for the county to discuss how this will be handled.
More to follow on this subject, but wanted you to hear it from me.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Pulaski Tech Closed
The truth is that MEMS has begun to build plans not long after the tragedy at Columbine. The STAR Team works with the area law enforcement agencies to plan and drill for an active shooter situations on a regular basis. In addition our MCI plan along with our triage process would be used to deal with the number of people.
I guess I just wanted to point out, that in truth we never know when a threat may be the real thing and we must always remain vigilant and ready.