Friday, July 23, 2010


As a result of the nationwide shortage of EPI 1:10,000 MEMS is going to temporarily change the way the medication is prepared and administered.. This will be in effect until the nationwide shortage has been relieved.

Each administered dose of Epi 1:10,000 will require the following:

1-amp of Epi 1:1,000, 1-10cc prefilled syringe & 1-18g needle

Step one: Dispense 1ml(cc) of Nacl from the 10ml prefilled syringe into a waste receptacle.

Step two: Affix the 18g needle to the prefilled syringe

Step three: Snap the top and remove from the amp of Epi 1:1,000

Step four: Draw up the 1 ml of Epi 1:1,000 into the prefilled syringe. This will result in a syringe of Epi 1:10,000 that is now ready to be administered. To help insure safety, you can discard the needle into the Bio/Sharps container once the 1ml of Epi 1:1,000 has been drawn into the prefilled syringe.

Again, this will be in place until the shortage of Epi 1:10,000 has been relieved.

Check out the video on under training and then updates