Friday, February 12, 2010

New scheduling software

You may have heard by now that MEMS is going to an online scheduling software. A few of the reasons are:

1. Ability to see your schedule at anytime, you can even download your calendar to your Smart Phone.
2. Ability to turn in for PTO via the web, and receive confirmation through e-mail
3. Ability to make yourself available for overtime, from the comfort of your own home.
We have talked to other agencies that are using the software. They report that the learning curve was not bad after they played with it a bit. For this reason we are making it open for you to begin to experiment. The database is live, so be careful.

We have locked out every month but February. To log on go to:

Your id and password are your EMT #.
As soon as you log in change you ID and password to your choosing by going to my info tab.
The home page has instructions for things like:

To Submit Availability:
To sign up for an Open Shift:
To request a trade:
To request time off:
To see your personal schedule for the month:

Please note that any schedule changes you make for February are not valid, it is practice only!

In addition to opening the site to everyone, Tammy and Gary are making themselves available for Voluntary classes on the following dates and times. I think going over it with them will make a big difference your learning curve.

Monday 2/15 17:00-19:00
Tuesday 2/16 17:00-19:00
Monday 2/22 17:00-19:00
Tuesday 2/23 18:00-19:00
Wednesday 2/24 17:00-19:00
Thursday 2/25 18:00 19:00

Please call them to schedule your time. We would like to go live in March, so coming up to speed now is a great idea.