Friday, December 28, 2007

Signature Requirements

There have been changes in the Medicare reimbursement that requires that we get a signature in order to bill. You will hear a lot about this over the next few months. below is the flyer that is and will be posted every where you go. We even thought about renting the Alltell bill board to remind you as you were at Asher and U ;-). No foolin, we got to follow this policy

For all transports, you must have a patient signature. If Not:

1. Document Patient Unable To Sign (PUTS) and the reason they are unable to sign.

2. Look for family member or other authorized person to sign. If none available, document No One is available To Sign (NOTS) on the Witness

signature line.

3. Get signature of an employee of the destination facility (receiving facility signature area of ePCR).

Paper forms are available for acquiring signatures when a tablet is not available. For more information, see the on duty supervisor.