Wednesday, January 25, 2012

letter to operations

I wanted to update the MEMS staff on the status of some of the changes in the operations side of MEMS. I wrote about two of the biggest areas we currently face, staffing and communications. I have placed the letter to employees on the employee side of the mems web site and look under memos.


Monday, January 23, 2012


A preview for FPU will be Wednesday night at 18:30. The start day of the class has been moved to February 13th due to shipment time. There are payroll deduction forms at station one, or you can down load them from the MEMS web site. Look under the employee section, docs, other, there you will find the form

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

FPU is here!

It is here FPU (Financial Peace University) We will have a demo video on Thursday evening 18:30 at the training building for anyone who can attend. The program will offically kick off February 13th. Chris Marshall will be our class facilitator. The cost, commitment, plan along with a form and address link to sign up will be posted tomorrow.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Action

Before you jump into action...
Before you fill up your schedule...
Before you set your goals...
Before you make promises and declarations...
Before you grade yourself on your accomplishments and failures...
Get some space between the logs of your fire. Get a strong personal foundation in place so that you can be at your best this year.