Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hi from Jay and Susan

Hey gang!

Just a quick note and some pictures. Here are some pictures of the third snow we have had this December. This is about 5" and the largest to date. This fell Friday night. Saturday was pretty pleasant, with the temperatures in the upper 20's. Sunday and Monday never reached double digits! Damn cold !! Tuesday it is back to the upper 20's with a chance for more snow this afternoon and evening.

We hope that everyone is happy and healthy and prepared for a wonderful holiday season. My dad and sister are coming out the week after Christmas and we are looking forward to seeing them. We are always ready for other visitors to come say howdy !!! and we are only an hour from one of the ski resorts!

Happy Holidays to you all

We miss you!

Link to pictures

Jay , Susan, Logna, and Dylan Stype

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Party

Remember the MEMS Christmas party and awards banquet this Friday Night. This is open to MEMS Employees and their mates. This year we will be having it at the Holiday Inn Airport on December 5 2008.

Happy hour is from 18:00 – 19:00 with dinner and awards starting at 19:00.

The Husqvarna (Husky) Makes it First Event

Some of you have seen the new Husqvarna that was purchased to take the place of the old “Mac Cart”. It was purchased with a grant from Fire House Subs for a cost of @ $17,000.

Friday at the Miracle on Markham the Husky did it’s job without a hitch.

The Gator will be moved to Conway where it will be stored in ready to respond mode. For large events such as the State Fair, Razorback games etc. you will probably see both in use. We are currently looking at what we will do with the old MAC Cart.

I wonder if it is what brought us luck???

Biggest Turkey Fryer in Town!

This monster is owned by Clay Brannon

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. I want to say thank you to the Lee family for their work in feeding all the metro crews. David came in on his day off, and brought along his wife, father and his girlfriend to do the cooking for everyone on duty.

In Conway, Major Ekenseair started cooking the day before and handed the final preparations off to Major Tabor who along with the Faulkner County crews on duty put together an excellent meal.

Buying the food, preparing the meal, getting the crews by takes a lot of coordination and effort to pull off. I am grateful for everyone who does it with such a sense of servant hood and graciousness.
Thank You!