Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Several years ago, the Wall Street Journal carried a story about Sally, an overly conscientious youngster who made herself miserable over the smallest failures and setbacks. Early one fall, while the leaves were still on the trees, there was an exceptionally heavy snowstorm. Sally’s grandfather took her for a drive and said, "Notice those elms, the branches are so badly broken that the trees may die. But just look at those pines and evergreens. They are completely undamaged by the storm. My child, there are two kinds of trees in the world, the foolish and the wise. An elm holds its branches rigid. As it becomes weighted down, eventually its limbs break. But when an evergreen is loaded, it simply relaxes, lowers its branches, and lets the burden slip away. And so it remains unharmed. Be a pine tree, granddaughter."

Trey Hurley (top) and Eddie Hill share November 3rd as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!

Lori Bawiec and Joseph Ross share November 2nd as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!

Pat Gifford celebrates her Birthday on November 1st. Happy Birthday!

Shelia Bowmancelebrates her Birthday on October 30th. Happy Birthday!

Stephanie Moix celebrates her Birthday on October 29th. Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Employee Meetings

A reminder that we are holding another round of Employee Meetings for those who were not able to make them a couple of weeks ago. We are discussing the upcoming pay raises and the subsidy request If you have any questions, now is the time to get them answered.
Remember, they are not mandatory, but if you attend you will be paid.

Monday October 29th- 07:00
Tuesday October 30- 08:00 & 16:00
Wednesday October 31st- 16:30

Fall Festival

Thank you to everyone who helped make this years MEMS Family Fall Festival a success. From the hot dogs to the games and "Haunted Shop" everyone seemed to have a great time. Lets do it again next year!

New "work shirt" style jacket

We have now authorized a "work shirt" to be worn. It will have gold lettering as well as the MEMS patch just like the jacket. The cost will $50.00 and can be deducted from your uniform allowance. You can fill out a MEMS polo order form (updated version has the work shirt on it) and turn it in to Louis.
This means that MEMS now has three AUTHORIZED Jackets.
1. Black recruit style
2. MEMS issued navy blue Spiewak
3. MEMS issued "work Shirt"
The only exception to this policy is for communications and office personnel.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Race for the cure

For the 7th year in a row MEMS sponsored a team for Race For The Cure. Our team had @ 45. Thank you to everyone who made it a success!

Mud anyone

Working the mud run today the planners tried to get our crew to race is their 'costumes' they chose to stand on the side lines instead. These girls won for being the dirtiest of the race, can you believe it?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fall Festival Tonight!

Reminder that tonight (October 25, 2007) the MEMS Family Fall Festival will be held. It starts at 18:30 around the training building and shop at station one. There is no cost, we will have kids games, hot dogs, pop corn, prizes, cake walk and of course tours of the “Haunted Shop”. We have all been working hard, bring your family by and relax for a bit!

Monday, October 22, 2007

A Few Considerations and Changes

  • Jackets: I have heard your request for some sort of "fleece style" jacket similar to what the FD wears, to be approved for fall/winter wear. We have a few samples that are being shipped in for review. In the mean time, please remember that our current uniform policy is in effect.
  • Cell Phones: You are already aware that cell phone usage while driving an ambulance is prohibited. In addition we are putting in place a policy on ring tones. While on duty your cell phone will be set to vibrate, silent or off. It is unprofessional, and distracting to be in the middle of a call and have, "help I’m stuck in your pocket" or be working a code when your phone starts playing, "knocking on heaven's door" or some other in-appropriate song. I know you understand the importance and appropriateness of this.
  • Cell phone images: This topic has come under increasing scrutiny from across the US, that is cell phone pictures by rescue personnel. I understand that sometimes you are trying to show damage to a hospital, so I am reluctant to say NEVER, however they are showing up on my space web(hopefully not from MEMS personnel) and being shared in ways that are not appropriate, and may not be legal. It should be a rare exception that you would ever take a cell phone picture on scene, and if so it should only be for the purposes of documenting damage for a hospital, or official MEMS business etc... and will never be posted on the web with out permission from the Operations or Executive Director.

Todd Teague (top) and Anthony Williams share October 26th as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!
Vallerie Green celebrates her Birthday on October 25th. Happy Birthday!
Sandra Spencer celebrates her Birthday on October 24th. Happy Birthday!
Adam Taylor celebrates his Birthday on October 21st. Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Things have certainly sped up since last week. Many of you attended the company meetings. I am still getting questions about what was said. If there is anything that you are unclear about, please feel free to talk to Jon, Larmon or myself.

This week we have been making the rounds with city as well as state leaders to make the MEMS presentation and to talk about funding for MEMS specifically, along with the state EMS system as well. The reception has been good; complements about the work you guys do day in and out have come liberally. I hope you have been keeping up with the TV as well as the newspaper stories. I have felt for the most part they have been positive.


Steven Thompson celebrate his Birthday on October 18th. Happy Birthday!

Laurie Beckwith (top) and Jessica Whittaker share October 17th as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!

Angela Bain and Jim Mullenax share October 12th as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!

Joshua Richmond (top) and Gary Curtis share October 11th as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!

Tammy Hagler and KM Brazzell share October 10th as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Some may know that Mike Mathis has a business called Medicfile. it is a program that makes your medical records available where ever you are at. I told him I would post a note for him. he wrote:

Greg, I have set up an account for MEMS employees and their families for Medicfile.net at a very reduced rate. To get to the rate go to Medifile.net/grouprates.
In the menu select MEMS,
Passcode is mems07
This will take them to a discounted rate for MEMS.

if you have any questions you can contact Mike at customerservice@medicfile.net

Saturday, October 6, 2007

ATS wrecks last week

You may have heard about ATS wrecking Friday. I don't know all the details, but I understand they were transporting a patient when they hit part of the bridge with the RT front of the unit causing the box to strike the bridge. I am amazed at the damage. The patient was transported on the hospital, both crew members were transported by MEMS and were not seriously injured. No disrespect to the builder of this unit, but you can tell it wasn't an Excellance Unit.

Remember be careful out there!

Friday, October 5, 2007

MEMS Fall Festival

MEMS will be having a fall family festival on Thursday October 25th starting @18:30-??
We will have free hot dogs, cakewalk, children's games and the famous "haunted shop" as well as prizes and more. This will take place at station one. We will be closing Ringo and 8th street for the event.

Bring your family and enjoy the fun!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."
Alfred D. Souza

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Shannon Smithson (top) and Shamel Robinson share October 6th as their Birthday. Happy Birthday!
Bob Hunthrop celebrates his birthday on October 5th Happy Birthday!
Steffani Anderson celebrates her birthday on October 2nd Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Employee Meetings

We have set the employee meetings for October. We will be discussing the board recommendations concerning recruitment, retention, pay, coverage etc... The dates are as follows.
  • Tuesday the 9th -18:00
  • Wednesday the 10th -15:00
  • Thursday the 11th -07:00 and 17:00
All meetings will be in the training building.

Attendance is recommend but not mandatory, however if you attended you will be paid.